Category: News

Clutch ‘N Tote Launches New Sustainable Fashion Brand This August 2024

July 18, 2024 – In today's world, every action leaves an environmental impact. Maida White, the visionary founder of Clutch 'N Tote, is leading a change in sustainable fashion. With a background in mechanical and environmental engineering, Maida's journey is fueled by a deep-seated passion to safeguard our planet and forge a brighter future. A…

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What is a Roofing Square?

A square in the roofing industry is a standard measurement unit that equals 100 square feet. This unit is used to determine the amount of roofing material required. It can be used by contractors and suppliers to estimate costs, and prevent over- or under-purchasing of materials. It is best to leave the job of measuring…

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How to Install Roofing Shingles Correctly

If you have never done any construction or roofing before, it may be difficult for you to understand how to install shingles. Fortunately, with careful planning and good preparation, nearly anyone can reshingle the roof. Roofing supply companies or home improvement centres sell self-adhesive waterproof sublayment. For the recommended amount, refer to the product package.…

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